Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

Tips membuat aki agar awet dan prima

Sebagian besar para pemilik kendaraan bermotor berharap agar aki yang dimilikinya berumur panjang dan selalu terap prima. Sayangnya, tidak semua pemilik aki memiliki keberuntungan yang sama. Ada yang akinya berumur panjang dan ada juga yang kurang. Ternyata, para pemilik aki yang berusia panjang umumnya memiliki kebiasaan positip dalam menangani akinya sejak aki tersebut dipasang dikendaraannya.
Berikut ini adalah kiat penanganan aki agar selalu awet dan prima.
Pada saat pemasangan yakinkan bahwa cairan elektrolit yang diberikan adalah asam sulfat (H2 SO4).
Setelah aki dipergunakan, pantaulah ketinggian cairan elektrolit agar selalu tetap berada dalam batas lower level dan upper level. Pada aki konvensional umumnya penambahan cairan elektrolit antara 1-2 bulan, sebaliknya untuk tipe aki low maintenance bisa lebih lama lagi. Hindari penggunaan accu zuur, air mineral atau air ledeng pada saat menambahkan air aki, gunakan air aki hasil dari penyulingan yang tidak mengandung unsur lain selain H2O, sehingga tidak terjadi kontak di dalam aki.Selanjutnya dalam memasang dan melepaskan aki juga perlu ditangani dengan hati-hati sehingga tidak menyebabkan terjadinya aliran singkat atau short, antara terminal positif dan negatif atau terminal positif dan body mobil.Hal lain yang perlu mendapat perhatian dalam melakukan perawatan adalah kebersihan terminal dan lubang ventilasi pada tutup aki. Untuk kebersihan terminal, hilangkan karat dengan sikat kawat. Sementara itu untuk kebersihan lubang ventilasi bersihkan dengan kain lap yang bersih, kebersihan ventilasi ini berpengaruh pada beban kerja aki dan sirkulasi udara di dalamnya, karena apabila diabaikan, umur pakai aki bisa menjadi lebih singkat.Terakhir, pastikan sistem kelistrikan dan suplai arus listrik di mobil dalam kondisi baik. Karena apabila arus listrik yang dialirkan tidak sesuai, maka aki akan tekor atau justru over charge.Untuk Toko atau Bengkel, Hal-hal Yang Perlu Diingat Dalam Menyetrum Aki:kutilah prosedur yang benar dalam menyetrum aki, pertama lepaskan kunci kontak. Cek tombol ‘power’ pada charger dan pastikan dalam kondisi “off” sebelum melepaskan battery dari charger.Hindarkan penggunaan api pada saat penyetruman aki karena dapat memicu ledakan. Jangan gunakan battery tester ketika aki sedang disetrum karena berbahaya. Ketika menggunakan charger yang mempunyai fungsi power boost, ikuti instruksi yang diberikan dalam petunjuk penggunaan charger.Hubungkan aki dengan charger. Pastikan bahwa terminal positif dan negatif terhubung dengan benar ke charger, dan nyalakan tombol ‘power on’ pada charger. Apabila akan melepaskan kabel dari kepala aki, biasakan dilepas satu persatu, yang dilepas pertama adalah terminal negatif dahulu kemudian menyusul terminal positif.

protec tv

Cara melacak bagian yang menyebabkan tv terprotek

1)Cari salah satu titik protek yang paling gampang di kenal

2) Setelah salah satu titik protek di temukan lacak jalurnya dan temukan titik protek yang lain Sampai ke pusat titik protek, bisa berpusat di ic program / ic osc horizontal

3)Tandai titik titik protek yang sudah di temukan

4) Potong satu persatu titik protek (seperti contoh di gambar “tanda x” )

5) Nyalakan Tv, kalau masih ter protek, anda lanjutkan pemotongan. sampai ke pusat titik protek

6) kalau pemotongan sampai ke titik pusat masih ter protek ,kerusakan ada di ic prog / ic memory

7) jangan memotong clock / data

8) Jangan menyalakan tv terlalu lama dalam keadaan protek terpotong

9) Untuk TV proyektor Kabel HV tabung harus di lepas karena bisa mengakibatkan cacat tabung

10) Untuk TV plasma / LCD memory Di backup dulu Karena ada beberapa merek yang 3 /10 kali protek langsung lock

11) Setelah bagian yang terprotek sudah di temukan tinggal putar otak untuk memperbaiki
Ic akan mengirim signal protek bila tegangan di Titik protek kurang dari teg B+(ic prog)

*Titik protek di teg 180v,ABL,115v,vertikal 40v, Vert 15v, sound (+) ,5v&8v

-Ic akan memprotek apabila salah satu tegangan di atas berkurang /konslet

*Titik protek di heater,

-Ic akan memprotek bila tegangan heater naik dan akan terprotek pula bila heater turun.

-Apabila heater naik tegangan lolos melalui dioda zener dan mengirim umpan basis TR untuk menurunkan tegangan protek

-Apabila teg heater turun Dioda akan menurunkan teg protek

*Titik protek teg 3,3

-Ic akan memprotek apabila teg 3,3 naik

Teg 3,3 akan lolos melalui dioda zener ,dan mengumpan basis TR

*Titik protek beban horizontal

Ic osc akan terprotek apabila ada beban berlebihan di bagian horizontal

Transistor jenis pnp akan mengirim teg positip ke ic osc karena ada perbedaan tegangan di B+ power suply dengan B+ plyback.

14": BSC 22 - 01N401/ BSC25 - 1194

20/21" BSC25 - 4803T / BSC22 - 2007/ BSC25-N0803A



JF0501 - 1901

BSC23 - N0114


AKIRA Vert +14v dan -14v

JF0501 - 19959

BSC25 - 0235A


AKIRA IC8893CPBNG.......BSC25-05...N2135H COL_B+_NC_NC_GND_H_ABL_0_180V_0

3. AIWA 14/20"

84-L83-606-01 FTK 14B011



14" 154 - 164F

20" 154 - 165D



14" F0067PE

20" F0069PE


14" F0193 / 21"F0194


6. SHARP picollo

14" BSC26 - 2631S / FA 060 WJ - SA

21" JF0501-32601







154-177E COL_185V_B+_BOOST UP_25V_12V_GND_ABL_H_AFC

8. JVC

21" BSC25 - 0262


9. FUJITEC lama

14" bsc22 - 2314H


10. PANASONIC lama:

20" TLF 4N052

Col_B+115v_Nc_24v_H_180v_Gnd_Gnd (R2W 1 ohm)_16v_ABL

ZTF N82014B

Col_B+140v_Nc_+16v_Gnd_H_Gnd_ABL_-16v_ 180v


JF051 - 1206


12. LG

20": 6174 - 6006E


21" flat 6174V-6006H


29" 6174Z - 5003A


LG ultra Slim

21" BSC25-N0363

29" BSC26-N2138



14" TFB 4067 BD

21" TFB 4125CH

29" TFB 4086A



20" FCM 20 B 061N / JF 0501- 19577


21" JF0501-195913


15. POLYTRON lama

14" FCK 14A006

20" FCM2015H

20" FTK21R002



FSV 14A004 FSV14A001 FSV20A001




14/21" Flat FOK14B001


17. TV China

BSC 25 Z 603F BSC 25 - 4813A


18. TV China

BSC 25 - 2004PR



BSC25-T1010A T1_



21" L 40 B 15300 / L40B17100

JF0501-32639 (SANYO SLIM 21")



BSC26-2629S part no: ILB4L40B07500

Col_B+140v_Nc_Video 185v_Afc_Abl_Nc_Low B_H_Gnd Tr Hor D2634

20. TCL

21" BSC 25 - 0299D


21. TV China

29" BSC26 - 3606A


22.TV China

29" BSC28 - N2329



29" FUH29A001 / SAMSUNG FLAT SLIM JF0501 - 91911 (FQH29A003)

21" SLIM FQH21A004 (FUH29A001B (S) )



14" BSC25-2023S

20" BSC25-0111


25. SONY






kode-kode handphone

To check the IMEI.

To check the firmware version and date
*#92702689# *#war0anty#
To check the IMEI. The date when it was purchased
and the date when it was repaired.
*4720# (*hra0#)
To activates the Half Rate.

#4720# (#hra0#)
To deactivates Half Rate.

*#3370# (*efr0#)
To activates Enhanced Full Rate.
*#746085685# (*#sim0clock#)
To check the SIM clock status.
*#7220# (*#pca0#)
To activate the GPRS and Packet Common Control
Channel(PCCCH) supports.
*#7230# (*#pcd0#)
To deactivate the GPRS and Packet common control
channel (PCCCH)supports.
*#7760# (*#ssn0#)
To check the manufacturing serial number.
*#2820# (*#bta0#)
To check the Bluetooth MAC address
(Phone must have a built in bluetooth adapter).
*#7370925538# (*#res0wallet#)
Reset the mobile wallet.
This Nokia code activates Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your Nokia cell phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%
Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)
Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time
With this Nokia code you can deactivate the Half Rate Codec
Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type
Phones software version if *#0000# does not work
For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)

Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
This lets you know who called you last (Only vodofone)
Last call (Only vodofone)
This phone code allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to
Displays phone security code in use
Lets you see the private number
Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your cell phone.
Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to
Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to
Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to
Phone code that removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330
Reset phone timers and game scores
Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible
Manufactures code
Restore factory settings
Software version for the nokia 8110
Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again
Deactivate the PWM-Mem
Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered
Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entere
**67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered
Nokia Master Code:
- SW version

- Check IMEI
- SIMLOCK info
- Enhanced Full Rate ON
#3370#- Enhanced Full Rate OFF
- Alternative sound quality codec ON

- Alternative sound quality codec OFF

- Default factory settings (Hard Reset)

- Production serial number

- Bluetooth info

- Reset phone timers and game scores.

*#7370925538#- Delete all the content of the wallet and the wallet code.

- Soft Reset/Format - erases all telephone memory.

[Green]*3- Hard Reset/Format - if only the telephone memory is formatted, puts back the attitudes and reboots

- MMS/GPRS settings removal
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
Provider lock status: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 1
Network lock status: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 2
Provider lock status: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 3
SimCard lock status: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 4
1234567890 - Master Code which is generated from IMEI
Kode Tersembunyi NOKIA E65
To check the IMEI.

To check the firmware version and date.

*#92702689# *#war0anty#
To check the IMEI. The date when it was purchased, and the date when it was repaired.

*4720# (*hra0#)
To activates the Half Rate.

#4720# (#hra0#)
To deactivates Half Rate.

*3370# (*efr0#)
To activates Enhanced Full Rate.

#3370# (#efr0#)
To deactivates Enhanced Full Rate.

*#746085685# (*#sim0clock#)
To check the SIM clock status.

*#7220# (*#pca0#)
To activate the GPRS and Packet Common Control Channel(PCCCH) supports.

*#7230# (*#pcd0#)
To deactivate the GPRS and Packet common control channel (PCCCH)supports.

*#7760# (*#ssn0#)
To check the manufacturing serial number.

*#2820# (*#bta0#)
To check the Bluetooth MAC address.

*#7370925538# (*#res0wallet#)
Reset the mobile wallet

This Nokia code activates Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your Nokia cell phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%

Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)

Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time

With this Nokia code you can deactivate the Half Rate Codec

Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type

Phones software version if *#0000# does not work

For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)

Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

This lets you know who called you last (Only vodofone)

Last call (Only vodofone)

This phone code allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to

Displays phone security code in use

Lets you see the private number

Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your cell phone.

Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to

*#62#Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to

Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to

Phone code that removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330

Reset phone timers and game scores

Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible

Manufactures code

Restore factory settings

Software version for the nokia 8110

Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again

Deactivate the PWM-Mem

Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered

Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered

Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered
NOKIA E70 Lock Codes
To check the IMEI(International Mobile Equipment identity)

To check the firmware version and date use

To check the Bluetooth MAC use

To check the WLAN MAC address

To clear the operator logo

To activate

To deactivate
*#pcd0# the GPRS PCCCH support

To check the SIM clock status

To check the software version

To check the Warranty codes

Display the SIM lock status:
n = 1: provider lock.
n = 2: network lock.
n = 3: country lock.
n = 4: SIM lock.

NOKIA 6131 Secret Codes
to check the IMEI.

To check the firmware version and date.

*#92702689# *#war0anty#
To check the IMEI. The date when it was purchased, and the date when it was repaired.

*4720# (*hra0#)
To activates the Half Rate.

#4720# (#hra0#)
To deactivates Half Rate.

*3370# (*efr0#)
To activates Enhanced Full Rate.

#3370# (#efr0#)
To deactivates Enhanced Full Rate.

*#746085685# (*#sim0clock#)
To check the SIM clock status.

*#7220# (*#pca0#)
To activate the GPRS and Packet Common Control Channel(PCCCH) supports.

*#7230# (*#pcd0#)
To deactivate the GPRS and Packet common control channel (PCCCH)supports.

*#7760# (*#ssn0#)
To check the manufacturing serial number.

*#2820# (*#bta0#)
To check the Bluetooth MAC address.

*#7370925538# (*#res0wallet#)
Reset the mobile wallet.

NOKIA 6500 Secret Codes
IMEI (Serial) Code:
*#06# .

Default Security Code:

Firmware Version:
*#0000#.*#51x0# or*#9999#.

To check the Serial No:

To activate Enhanced Full Rate (EFR).

To deactivate EFR Half Rate Mode (HFR).

To activate HFR.

To deactivate HFR

NOKIA 8800 Secret Codes
To check the IMEI press

To check the Software Version press
Default Security Code: 12345 .

*# 7780 #
To restore original settings.

*# 2820 #
To indicate bluetooth devices.

*# 7370 #
Phones soft format.

* # 92702689#
Knowledge of about everything of the phone.

# pw+ 1234567890 +1 #
Provider LOCK status.

# pw+ 1234567890 +2 #
network LOCK status.

# pw+ 1234567890 +3 #
Country LOCK status.

# pw+ 1234567890 +4 #
Sim Card LOCK status.

NOKIA 5700 Secret Codes
International Mobile Equipment Identity.

To check the factory settings restored.

To get rid of the operator logo.

To check the address of your Bluetooth device.

To check the SIM clock status.

View private number.

To show software version.

To activate the Half Rate Codex and double capacity for voice traffic.

To deactivate it.

To activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec.

To deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec.

To check the number where "On No Reply" calls are diverting.

To check the manufactures code

To check out the Provider Lock Status

To check the Network Lock Status:

To check the Country Lock Status:

To check the SIM Card Lock Status:

Try to reset phone timers and game scores.

To check the call waiting status of your phone

NOKIA 6288 Secret Codes
To check IMEI

To check the Software Version

If Imagine the cell battery is very low, and an important call is expected what to do there is a a reserve battery in the absence of the charger then to activate the key and recharge the cell again is to press "*3370#".

To deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec( EFR).

To activate Half Rate Codec.

It displays the software version of the phone.

To check the phones software version if *#0000# does not work.

To check the Provider Lock Status. ( "*" sigh to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).

To check the Network Lock Status. ( "*" sigh to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).

To check the Country Lock Status. ( "*" sigh to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).

To check the SIM Card Lock Status.( "*" sigh to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).

vodafone this lets you know who called you last time *#1471#.

Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted.

It displays the security code.

It lets you see the private number.

It removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330.

It reset the phone timers.

It displays the SIM Clock status.

Manufactures code.

Restore factory settings.

(to remember *#WAR0ANTY#).

To check the IMEI.

To check the firmware version and date.

*#92702689# *#war0anty#.
To check the IMEI. The date when it was purchased, and the date when it was repaired.

*4720# (*hra0#)
To activates th e Half Rate.

#4720# (#hra0#).
To deactivates Half Rate.

*3370# (*efr0#).
To activates Enhanced Full Rate.

#3370# (#efr0#).
To deactivates Enhanced Full Rate.

*#746085685# . (*#sim0clock#)
To check the SIM clock status.

*#7220# (*#pca0#)
To activate the GPRS and Packet Common Control Channel PCCCH) supports.

*#7230#. (*#pcd0#)
To deactivate the GPRS and Packet common control channel (PCCCH)supports.

*#7760# (*#ssn0#)
To check the manufacturing serial number.

*#2820# (*#bta0#)
To check the Bluetooth MAC address.

*#7370925538#. (*#res0wallet#)
Reset the mobile wallet.

to check the IMEI.

To check the firmware version and date.

*#92702689# *#war0anty# To check the IMEI. The date when it was purchased, and the date when it was repaired.

*4720# (*hra0#)
To activates the Half Rate.

#4720# (#hra0#)
To deactivates Half Rate.

*3370# (*efr0#)
To activates Enhanced Full Rate.

#3370# (#efr0#)
To deactivates Enhanced Full Rate.

*#746085685# (*#sim0clock#)
To check the SIM clock status.

*#7220# (*#pca0#)
To activate the GPRS and Packet Common Control Channel(PCCCH) supports.

*#7230# (*#pcd0#)
To deactivate the GPRS and Packet common control channel (PCCCH)supports.

*#7760# (*#ssn0#)
To check the manufacturing serial number.

*#2820# (*#bta0#)
To check the Bluetooth MAC address.

*#7370925538# (*#res0wallet#)
Reset the mobile wallet.

NOKIA E61 Secret Codes
Hard Reset
Old: *#7370# or "Original Settings" dialogue
New: hold Green (send) and 3 and * whilst turning on
Lock code: 12345
Holding down # will toggle between the current profile and silent mode
Blue Function Key + Ctrl activates Bluetooth.
Blue Function Key + Chr activates IR.
Ctrl + C copies
Ctrl + X cuts
Ctrl + V pastes
Ctrl + Joystick Down functions as Page Down (goes to the next page down)
Ctrl + Joystick Up functions as Page Up (goes to the next page up)
Shift + Joystick Left or Right highlights one letter at a time.
Shift + Ctrl + Joystick Left or Right highlights one word at a time.
Ctrl + Joystick Left or Right moves the cursor from word to word.

Displays the phone's firmware

Displays IMEI

Displays your Bluetooth address

Displays WLAN adapter's MAC address

Displays the phone's life timer

E61 RM-89 Standard Edition
0523307 Euro-A Silver

0529654 Euro-B1 Silver

0529660 Euro-B2 Silver

0529661 Euro-C Silver

0529663 Euro-D Silver

0529664 Euro-E1 Silver

0530146 Euro-E2 Silver

0530080 Euro-F Silver

0530081 Euro-G1 Silver

0532623 Euro-G2 Silver

0530082 Euro-H Silver

0530083 Euro-I Silver

0530084 Euro-J Silver

0530091 Euro-L Silver

0530093 Euro-M Silver

Nokia N201 Secret Codes
Nokia N201 Cellular Telephone (170-1499) Programming
1. Turn on phone.
2. Enter *3001#12345.
3. Enter [STO]00. Display says STORE NOT DONE. If it says
"NOT ALLOWED", re-enter.
4. Press and hold [CLR] until display clears.
5. Enter NAM parameters in 1 long string -- 911#*911#0*1234 --
lock code is 1234, language code is 0.
6. Enter [STO]01[STO].
7. Press and hold [CLR] until display clears.
8. Enter the 10 digit phone number.
9. If desired, press [ALPHA] key and enter a name of up to 16
characters. The zero key can be used to enter a blank space.
After the name is entered, press [ALPHA] 10. For Primary NAM
enter [STO] 02 [STO]. For Optional NAM enter [STO] 04 [STO].
10. Press and hold [CLR] until display clears.
11. Enter the system parameters in a single string --
12. For Primary Nam, press [STO] 03 [STO]. For Optional Nam press
[STO] 05 [STO].
13. Press and hold [CLR] until the display clears.
14. Press [RCL] followed by one of the memory locations from above
(01 through 05).
15. Verify the information is correct.
16. Power off. Power back on. If NAM ERROR or NO SVC appears (and
service is activated) the programming must be repeated.

NOKIA 9300 / 9500 Secret Codes
To check IMEI :

To check the Software Version :

If Imagine the cell battery is very low, and an important call is expected what to do there is a a reserve battery in the absence of the charger then to activate the key and recharge the cell again is to press "*3370#".

To deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec( EFR).

To activate Half Rate Codec.

It displays the software version of the phone.

To check the phones software version if *#0000# does not work.

To check the Provider Lock Status. ( "*" sigh to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).

To check the Network Lock Status. ( "*" sigh to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).

To check the Country Lock Status. ( "*" sigh to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).

To check the SIM Card Lock Status.( "*" sigh to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).

vodafone this lets you know who called you last time *#1471#.

Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted.

It displays the security code.

It lets you see the private number.

It removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330.

It reset the phone timers.

It displays the SIM Clock status.

Manufactures code.

Restore factory settings.

(to remember *#WAR0ANTY#)

NOKIA 9210 Secret Codes
Firmware Version:
*#0000#, *#51x0# or *#9999#

View Serial No:

Obtain IMEI (Serial) Code:

Enhanced Full Rate (EFR):
*3370# to activate EFR.
#3370# to deactivate EFR

Half Rate Mode (HFR):
*4720# to activate HFR.
#4270# to deactivate HFR.

NOKIA 8910 Secret Codes
Firmware Version:
*#0000#, *#51x0# or *#9999#

View Serial No:

Obtain IMEI (Serial) Code:

Enhanced Full Rate (EFR):
*3370# to activate EFR.
#3370# to deactivate EFR

Half Rate Mode (HFR):
*4720# to activate HFR.
#4270# to deactivate HFR.

NOKIA 8890 Secret Codes
*#06# shows the IMEI number (the IMEI number is 15 digits long and is unique to each mobile phone - it is used to identify the phone in case of theft, etc.)

Half Rate Mode (HFR):
*4720# to activate HFR.
#4270# to deactivate HFR.

Default Security Code:

Calling Button + * + 3
Hard Format for WD2 and BB5


view Software Version


[*#war0anty#] secret menu:
1. Displays Serial Number
2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture (0997)
3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased
4. Displays the date of last repairment - if found (0000)
5. Makes you capebel of transferring user data
6. Shows how many hours the phone has been on

Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation

Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) deactivation

Half Rate Codec activation

Half Rate Codec deactivation

xx# - xx
position in Phone Book

NOKIA 9000

Soft version

Prod. date

Phone reset

hard reset

master reset (like new phone)

*6861# factory reset
*0008# language
*0009# language
*0000# language
*7245786# check read FFS
*762442# GVCMMI Magic
1945#*5101# sim lock menu

default security code : 0000
clear user code/user lock : 2945#*# -> Factory Reset
software version : 2945#*# -> S/W version
KG300 NVRAM format : 2945#*# -> menu 15
more information : 2945#*45#
simlock menu : 2945#*20001#>/li>

*#06# Show IMEI
*#9999# Show Software Version
*#0837# Show Software Version (instructions)
*#0001# Show Serial Parameters
*#9125# Activates the smiley when charging
*#0523# LCD Contrast

*#9998*228# Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)
*#9998*246# Program status
*#9998*289# Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency
*#9998*324# Debug Screens
*#9998*364# Watchdog
*#9998*377# EEPROM Error Stack - Use side keys to select values
*#9998*427# Trace Watchdog
*#9998*523# Change LCD contrast
*#9998*544# Jig detect
*#9998*636# Memory status
*#9998*746# SIM File Size
*#9998*778# SIM Service Table
*#9998*785# RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors - if ok then phn is reset,
info is put in memory error
*#9998*786# Run, Last UP, Last DOWN
*#9998*837# Software Version
*#9998*842# Test Vibrator - Flash the screenlight during 10 sec
and vibration activated
*#9998*862# Vocoder Reg - Normal, Earphone or Carkit
*#9998*872# Diag
*#9998*947# Reset On Fatal Error
*#9998*999# Last/Chk
*#9998*9266# Yann debug screen (Debug Screens?)
*#9998*9999# Software version
*0001*s*f*t# Changes serial parameters (s=?, f=0.1, t=0.1)
*0002*?# unknown
*0003*?# unknown

FOR NEW SGH (R210, T100, A300...)
if code is in format *#9998*xxx#
try write in this *#0xxx#

SGH 600, SGH 2100
but also changes IMEI to 447967-89-400044-0
*2767*2878# Custom EEPROM Reset

SGH E700
*2767*688# Remove USER CODE and SIMLOCK
SGH V200 Unlocking
Power on the phone without SIM card and type these codes:
*2767*63342# and press green button
*2767*3855# and press green button
*2767*2878# and press green button
*2767*927# and press green button
*2767*7822573738# press button
Phone will be unlocked, but all trims are reseted !!! Mobile phone must be fully charged
SGH S500 Unlocking
*2767*MVT# (*2767*688#) E2P MVT Reset
*#SIMLOCK# (*#7465625#)
software version : *#5002*8376263#
full reset : *2767*3855#
CDMA: w150, w150i, w170, w170c, w200, w210, w355
Set English language:
1. Menu
2. Down 7 times, Right soft button
3. Down 3 times, Right soft button
4. Down 1 times, Right soft button
5. Down 4 times, Right soft button
6. select language now

C113, C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118, C122 software version: #02#*
C113, C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118, C122 reset defaults: **0102#
C138, C139, C140 software version: #02#*
C138, C139, C140 reset defaults: **0102#
C155, C156, C157 software version: #02#*
C155, C156, C157 reset defaults: **0102#
C257, C261 software version: #02#*
V171, V172, V173 software version: #02#*
V171, V172, V173 reset defaults: **0102#
V175, V176, V176 software version: #02#*
C168, C168i, W220 software version: *#**837#
C168, C168i, W220 master reset: *#**367628# Send
C168, C168i, W220 E2p reset: *#**778337# Send
W205, W208, W375 software version: #02#*

*#06# IMEI
in permament test mode
(* hold 2 sec)
***113*1*[OK] net monitor

T205/T19x (ACER)
*#300# OK List the Software and Hardware version
*#301# OK Full Keypads functional Test
*#303# OK Set Default Language to English
*#304# OK Set OFF engineering mode
#304*19980722# OK Set ON engineering mode
*#305# OK Location: 1 OK
*#307# OK Engineering Test Mode
*#311# OK Phone code changed to default code
*#400# OK ADC, Cal val*
*#402# OK Adjust Display Intensity / Contrast
*#403# OK List the Manufacturing Informations
19980722 OK Master Unlock code for Phone and Sim Lock
*#302# OK Acoustic test*
7.1 Greeting
7.2 Main VlmGain
7.3 Input Cal
7.4 Output Cal
7.5 Side In Gain
7.6 Vox Gain
7.7 Min Mic Engy
7.8 More
(a) In Vlm Gain
(b) Aux Vlm Gain
(c) Silence Prd
(d) Supp Prd
(e) In Volume
(f) Out Volume
(g) Icon
(h) Image
(i) Animation
*3370# EFR ON (enhanced full rate)
#3370# ERF OFF
*#72837726# OK Confirm ?, Data saver
1234 OK Phone code default
*#0000# OK Setting saved, restore set phone do default language
*#0048# OK Fast change polish langpack
*#0007# OK Fast change russian langpack

*#06# and quick 'menu-key' and 048263* (Push the key quickly!)
and entering at field "OPTCODE" you must try several times.
If not working try with MOTO TEST CARD inserted.

Security code - 32*118*1*0*0
Model - 32*279*1*0*8
Flex ver - 32*383*1*0*0
Master Reset - 18*0
Master Clear - 18*1
Set band GSM 900 - 10*0*3
Set band DCS 1800 - 10*0*4
Set band PCS 1900 - 10*0*5
Set dual band GSM 900/1800 - 10*0*6
Read band - 10*1*0 => 3-GSM, 4-DCS, 5-PCS, 6-GSM/DCS
User code - 32*116*1*0*0 /coded:00310032003300340000 - 1234/
Read imei - 32*4*1*0*0 "OK" /coded:083a05092700247709 - 350907200427799/

47*4*1*0*9*081A32547698103254 => IMEI=123456789012345
it is possible to change IMEI


*### : Camera Module not Ready
*#66*# : Set Factory Mode CONFIRMED
*#8375# : Show Software Version CONFIRMED
*#1234# : A2DP ACP Mode CONFIRMED
*#1234# : A2DP INT Mode CONFIRMED
*#0000# : Set Default Language CONFIRMED
*#0007# : Set Language to Russian CONFIRMED
*#0033# : Set Language to French CONFIRMED
*#0034# : Set Language to Spanish CONFIRMED
*#0039# : Set Language to Italian CONFIRMED
*#0044# : Set Language to English CONFIRMED
*#0049# : Set Language to German CONFIRMED
*#0066# : Set Language to Thai CONFIRMED
*#0084# : Set Language to Vietnamese CONFIRMED
*#0966# : Set Language to Arabic CONFIRMED

More some codes for reset mobile china

default user code: 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678

Engineer mode : *#110*01#
Factory mode : *#987#
Enable COM port: *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config -> UART1/115200
Restore factory settings: *#987*99#
LCD contrast: *#369#
software version: *#800#
software version: *#900#
set default language: *#0000# Send
set English language: *#0044# Send
set English language (new firmware): *#001# Send

I-mobile Inno30, 55, 89, 90, 99, 100, A10, A20, P10, Vk200
- Set full factory *741*737381#
- Set full factory *741*7373868#
- Set full factory *741*2878#
- Set Engineer Mode *888*888#
- Check software version *888*837#

I-mobile 100 ,200 , 313
- Check software version #*888#

I-mobile 309, 310
- Check software version *0*4636#
- Test Mode *0*6268#

I-mobile 311
- Check software version #*878#

I-mobile 511
- Check software version *1222*1#

I-mobile 301, 302,308, 508, 601, 602, 603, 604, 606, 611, 901, 902
- Check software version *#159#
- Set Factory Mode *#32787#
- Set Engineer Mode *#3646633#

I-mobile 503, 506, 605, 600, 607, 608
- Set Engineer Mode ***503#
- Set Factory Mode ***504#
- Set Auto Test ***505#

I-mobile 509, 612
- Set Factory Mode *#66*#

I-mobile 504, 505, 803
- Check software version *68*48#
- Set full factory *789#
- Test Mode *#789#

I-mobile 305, 306, 315, 510, 609, 609i,516
- Check software version *#8375#
- Set Factory Mode 878

I-mobile 610
- Check software version *#22#

I-mobile J101, J102
- Test Mode *23638777*783781#

I-mobile 502, 502i, 505, k9, 802
- Check software version *201206*4636#
- Test Mode *201206*6268#
pak adi, angguran: kemaren saya mencoba perbaikan tape mobil sony explode lcd tanpa LED. ku cek tegangan 5volt LED ga ada ku telusur2 ternyata r sekring 41 putus dan kusambung langsung timah ok
085236430000, 03357655765